
Who we are

article by Aplus.com (Author Mandy Velez)

They’re house bunnies who live in Vancouver, Canada with their human mom. She refuses to show her face, but posts photos of the fantastic four almost every day on her Instagram account aptly named “Bunnymama.”

But the account serves a purpose greater than showing off cute bunny pictures. She uses her IG, along with her website eddyrambo.com, to educate others on proper rabbit care — and show how similar they are to other pets.

The account began to pick up steam as Bunnymama posted photos of her first two rabbits, Eddy and Rambo, who has since passed away from health complications. But now boasts over 850,000 followers and two new members of the family: Olive and Marbee.

She’ll use some posts to teach that bunnies can use a litterbox just like cats and also relays information to her followers about the importance of their health care (they do require vet care and they actually aren’t meant for an outdoor hutch), diet (treats like carrots are only good for rabbits in small amounts because of the sugar) and grooming (they require daily brushing so they don’t ingest their fur and develop G.I. stasis, one of the top bunny killers)….original article here

Meet The Bunny Bunch

Name: Moo
D.O.B: December 23, 2013 (3 years old)
Breed: Holland Lop x Mini Lop mix
Gender: Female
Personality: Give Moo constant attention but also leave Moo alone.  #princess #sassy #theboss


Name: Oli 
D.O.B: January 14, 2014 (2 years old)
Breed: Holland Lop
Gender: Male
Personality: Chronic worrier, sensitive, loyal and very intelligent.



D.O.B: January 1, 2015 (1 year old)
Breed: Holland Lop
Gender: Male
Personality: Affectionate, friendly, outgoing and energetic.



D.O.B: July 13, 2015
Breed: Lionhead Angora Mix
Gender: Male
Personality: Timid, quiet, gentle, laid back and very friendly.





In Loving Memory


D.O.B: November 6, 2005 (10 years old)
Breed: Lionhead mix
Gender: Male

My soulmate and best friend.



D.O.B: February 6, 2009 (7 years old)
Breed: Holland Lop
Gender: Male

The bravest bunny I’ve ever met.


In the NEWS

Featured in Vogue, People Magazine, Buzzfeed, Marie Claire, Glamour, The Big Rabbit Book, Bunny Mad Magazine, Daily UK Mail, Aplus, Animal Planet and Newspapers worldwide etc.

Featured on Animal Planet

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